Does Mustard Go Bad? (Shelf Life, Storage, & Nutritional Benefits)

Mustard is one of those common condiments that can be easily found in any household but not too often use. If you have one that currently sitting in your kitchen cupboard, you might want to check if it has already expired. In this post, we will discuss topic like “ does mustard go bad? ”, storage, shelf life and nutritional benefits of mustard.
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Does Mustard Go Bad?

Mustard is a cruciferous vegetable which belongs to Brassica family, similar to broccoli and cabbage. Mustard tastes often range from sweet to spicy.
The seeds of a mustard plant which are used to make a mustard paste by the whole, ground, cracked, or bruised and mix with water, vinegar, lemon juice, wine, salt, and often spices and flavoring; to create the mustard sauce or paste.
Knowing the ingredients used to make mustard are all possessed natural antibacterial properties, the question is “ does mustard go bad”?
There will be no definite answers, but it is all depending on how the mustard are stored and handled.
How to Store Mustard Properly

The prepared mustard is often sold in glass jars and plastic bottles. They also come in plastic squeeze bottles and a single packet that served throughout all the fast-food outlets for convenience. Due to the acetic acid content which is natural antibacterial properties, refrigeration of the mustard are not required.
Interestingly, mustard does not contain any infectious pathogens or yeast, BUT high level of acetic acid tolerant lactobacilli bacteria found contamination is well-known. Thus, using sterile utensils while serving the mustards is highly recommended to prevent cross-contamination.
How do you store an opened/unopened jar of mustard? It should always be kept in a cool, dry place, just like in the pantry or refrigerator although refrigeration is not necessary. Avoid from direct sunlight or heat to prevent the quality of the mustard deteriorate quickly.
If you are making mustard on your own, you should always store the homemade mustard in an airtight container (glass container is preferred) and keep it in the fridge immediately after each use.
Mustard Shelf Life

Does mustard go bad easily?
Mustard does not go bad easily, and therefore most of the mustard would not have a “best-before-date” printed on the bottle.
As mentioned earlier, mustard can last for many years before it goes inedible. However, the length of the mustard shelf life depends on the container. The prepared mustard that comes in a glass jar can last for 2 years, plastic bottle – approximately 1.5 years, and squeeze bottle/packet sachets can last up to 6 months, respectively.
Once the jar of mustard is opened, the flavor of the mustard will deplete gradually. Refrigerate the mustard to extend and preserve the good flavor is recommendable. Also, the mustard does not go bad if it kept at room temperature once opened, but instead, the mustard paste will slowly dry out.
And yet you found that your mustard dries out in the room temperature or the fridge, this does not mean that the mustard has gone bad. But in fact, you can mix it with a few tablespoon of white vinegar or wine to revitalize the dry mustard!
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Check out this post for 'Does Mustard Go Bad? (Shelf Life, Storage, & Nutritional Benefits)'
Impressive Benefits of Mustard
Do you know that there are various parts of the mustard plant that contained lots of natural nutrients and phenolic components that offer health beneficiary to us?
Again, mustard plants are the member of Brassica family and the mustard seeds have abundant amounts of phytonutrients known as glucosinolates that proved valuable against bladder, colon and cervical cancers.
Studies have suggested that the anti-cancer effect of those seeds in the mustard inhibit the growth of cancer cells and protects against the formation of malignant cells.
Besides that, the tiny mustard seeds are also able to cure the inflammation and lesions associated with the chronic inflammatory autoimmune disorder known as Psoriasis.
The mustard seeds would stimulate the healthy enzymes such as superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and catalase which provide protection and healing action in Psoriasis.
In a nutshell, mustard provides many benefits for us, not just the two that have mentioned above, but it also has scientifically proven benefit against contact dermatitis, cardiovascular health, poison repulsion, aches and pains, ringworms, skin, and hair cares, cholesterol reduction, diabetes and menopause in women.
Does mustard go bad? I hope you have found your answer via this blog. Now that you know that the mustard does provide us many health beneficiaries, maybe it is time to consider to add mustard into your diet from today!
A Mustard Museum? Seriously!
Yep, it’s real!
Have you heard of The National Mustard Museum? It is located in the heart of downtown Middleton, Wisconsin. For those of you who are interested, please visit National Mustard Museum or watch this video on YouTube:
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